Other initiatives
Launch of the CORBEL Catalogue of Services
CORBEL, a H2020 cluster project uniting 13 European biological and medical research infrastructures, launched its Catalogue of Services. The CORBEL Catalogue of Services offers an overview on what kind of services (access to samples and technologies, data, tools, expertise etc.) can be accessed from the participating research infrastructures.
CA COST Action: Open Multiscale Systems Medicine (OpenMultiMed)
The overarching aim of the Open Multiscale Systems Medicine (OpenMultiMed) COST Action is to gather a critical mass of international researchers and coordinate them as a team that develops and evaluates a transdisciplinary framework for multiscale systems medicine, consisting of novel concepts, methodologies and technologies.
Project Interview: Avicenna – A strategy for In Silico Clinical Trials/Avicenna
Project Interview: Profiling Responders In Antibody Therapies (PRIAT)
Project Interview: Coordination and Support Action (CSA) PerMed on Personalised Medicine (PM)
The PerMed consortium has 27 international partners representing key decision makers in research and research policy, industry, healthcare and patient organisations. The aim is to develop a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) to foster research and implementaion of suitable Personalized Medicine (PM) approaches in Europe and beyond.
The Vistera Project announcement
Project Interview: The Coordinating Action Systems Medicine (CASyM)
The Coordinating Action Systems Medicine (CASyM) will assess the basis for a European Systems Medicine paradigm and will assist the medical community in creating the foundation for a new perspective by focusing on an approach based on personalized, predictive, preventive and participatory (4P medicine).