The EMBO paractical course in bioinformatics and genome analyses will take place between June 05-17 , 2017 at the the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), Thessalonica, Greece.
About the Practical Course
This EMBO Practical Course will cover a range of genome analyses and their fundamental elements. The main objectives of this EMBO Practical Course are to strengthen skills of students in genomics and bioinformatics on the use of algorithms, key software, statistical and visualization methods and their various applications in genome studies.
Who can attend the EMBO Practical Course?
This practical course is aimed at motivated PhD students and young researchers from academic Institutions with a background in Mathematics, Statistics, Computing and/or Biology who are involved in Bioinformatics and Genome Analyses projects.
Registration and abstract submission deadline: 31.03.2017
More information available here