2nd Joint Transnational Call for European Research Projects on Systems Medicine

The funding organisations associated to ERACoSysMed opened the second joint transnational call (JTC-2) for funding multilateral research projects on Systems Medicine.

ERACoSysMed is a network of 15 funding organisations from 13 countries. The central aim of ERACoSysMed is to enhance the implementation of Systems Biology approaches in medical concepts, research and practice throughout Europe and Israel by structuring, coordinating and integrating national efforts and investments. ERACoSysMed is a five year programme funded under the European Commission ERA-NET Cofund scheme in the H2020 Horizon programme which has begun in January 2015.

The call addresses important health-related societal challenges through effective transnational and interdisciplinary research collaborations.  The funders participating in JTC-2 seek to foster the implementation of systems medicine approaches in both clinical research and medical practice by funding a number of high quality research projects that will improve our current knowledge of human health and disease.

Pre-proposal submission deadline: 17 March 2017, 17:00 CET

Pre-proposals must be submitted through the submission tool

More information available here